Trinidad, CA

Right around this time of year, I start getting depressed…

I’m not depressed because the spring semester is over (wait, I’m not in school anymore…)
I’m not sad cause everyone leaves and goes on vacations…
I’m not even sad for all the Snowbirds to leave (who would be?)..

I’m depressed because it gets UNBEARABLY HOT. ALL THE TIME.

All Arizonians know what I’m talking about.

It’s when you wake up to burning sunshine for over 90 days in a row.
It’s when getting your “killer tan” can be produced by only spending a couple hours at the pool without sunscreen on (sunburn = killer tan).
And it’s when your vehicle could also be considered a small oven, complete with a broiler steering wheel.

It’s hot.

And it’s right around this time of year that I start daydreaming of cooler weather, greener scenery and large bodies of water.
So I figured I would look at some of our photos from our trip in April to Trinidad, CA (where the weather was overcast and chilly and the scenery full of green foliage and magnificent ocean). We went up there for our dear friends Michael and Kristin’s wedding, and we had a blast!

So go grab a cool drink from your fridge, turn the A/C up, and pull on a sweater. Maybe you can pretend you’re in Trinidad right now, instead of boiling Arizona. 😉


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Holy neck-veins batman! ^

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The progression of photos while I’m driving: “Can’t look, driving ova’ here…” ^

“Okay okay okay, I’ll look really fast cause you keep snapping these dang photos…”


“We’re gonna die! I took my eyes off the road for ONE SECOND and you see what happens, DEATH!”
Just kidding, we’re totally fine. Nothing happened. DSC_0026 DSC_0029 DSC_0031

Ze ocean. DSC_0038 DSC_0044 DSC_0053 DSC_0056 DSC_0062 DSC_0070 DSC_0074 DSC_0079 DSC_0080 DSC_0087 DSC_0088 DSC_0090

Cold, rainy, and grumpy. ^

Lovely mountain mist.DSC_0093

The end.

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